Lord, I have so many fears. I am afraid of my sinful past It might be uncovered and once-hidden misdeeds brought out into the open laying me bare for nasty talks and snide remarks. I am afraid of the future. I do not know what lies ahead. I do not know when I will die. I do not know how long I will be healthy. I do not know how long my friends, my spouse, will remain faithful to me. I am afraid of the past. I am afraid of the future. I am afraid of the now and the present.

Lord, the past is not mine anymore. The past I entrust to You. The future is not mine, I have no control over it. But You have, Lord. Take away my fear – of the past, of the present, of the future. Fill me with much love overflowing love, love that casts out all fears. I am tired of being afraid of myself. I am tired of being afraid of You. I am tired of being afraid of other people. I am sick and tired of cowering over Your demands. Lord, take away my fears. Just fill me with love and I will be peaceful again. Fill me with love and I will be joyful again. Fill me with love and I will be free again.

I have many attachments – to my job, to my family, to my health, to my good name, to my money. Yet while I easily attach myself to all these things, I am not fully attached to You. This is why I am not at peace.

Lord, help me to be more and more detached: from money; from an obsession to attaining perfect health; from my friends; from my good name. And in freeing myself from all these, may I be truly free to embrace You, to love You & to serve You. Lord, I want to be free. Lord, set me free. Lord take away my fear. Make me faithful, fill me with faith.

Jesus In My Heart

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