Most of us are familiar with the Serenity Prayer:

“God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”

The prayer has been adapted by many rehabilitation programs for dependents on drugs, alcohol, gambling, and even for sex addicts and foodaholics, or those who cannot resist food. It speaks of the power to transform and the power to be transformed. The power and the beauty to be transformed and to transform others is what the Prophet Jeremiah speaks about in the First Reading, “the clay and the potter.”

But what I wish to call your attention to is that the power of the potter is not shown in the finished product. The power of the potter is shown as the wheel is turning, and as the clay is being formed. This is the case with us. The power of God is not only going to be made manifest at the end of time.

The power of God is not only seen on judgment day. The power of God is not only to be shown when the conclusion is nice and “triumphalistic.” The power of God can be seen at work even now despite the ongoing wars all over the world. The power of God is at work and can be experienced even now as we face broken families, broken commitments, and shattered vows. The power of God can be felt even as we experience terrorist attacks, violence, and acts of criminality all over the world. The power of God is present. The power of God has not given up on this world. People who give up are not the stronger ones. The stronger ones are those who persevere against all odds. God has given us that gift – the power to transform and the power to be transformed. As individuals, we might not be able to avert wars in some part of the world, but we certainly have the power to silence the wars inside of us. We have the power to make selfless love win against selfish pride. We can conquer impure motivations and let the power make it evolve into selfless service. If only we can emerge victorious in this interior battle and allow the power of God to transform our lives, then truly we will see the beauty and power of the MASTER Potter at work in us.

Jer. 18:1-11
Love Like Jesus

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